Piper Bonita Sims Kennels
Today, the Olympic torch is going to be running through my town! And all the trees are dressed in coloured plastic o.O We also have a little Yorkie staying with us for the week :P I probably won't post anything later today because I'm probably going to be out from about 12ish (English Time).. Here I have some photos of Tico, the Yorkie, and some random photos too xD These are the 4 dogs we have so far, Apollo is still to come :D Tico is right at the end, and the camera is rubbish I know, it was taken on my DSi about 10 minutes ago xD

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    Hey!! It's Milla :D I love dogs and horses. Please visit Piperbonitasims.weebly.com :D 

Piper Bonita Sims Kennels